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Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae

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Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae (literally book of the birth of Saint Mary), known in English as the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary, is a text concerning the events surrounding the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus. It essentially originates as part of the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew,[1] and was treated as an independent work around the ninth century.[citation needed]

See also



  1. ^ Elliott, J. K. (1999). "Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae. Textus et commentarius. Edited and translated, with intro. and comm., by Rita Beyers. (Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum, 10.) Pp. 456. Turnhout: Brepols, 1997. B.Fr. 7,000. 2 503 41101 X; 2 503 41102 9; 2 503 41000 6". The Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 50 (2): 313–416. doi:10.1017/S0022046998451017. ISSN 1469-7637.