Talk:Thousand Character Classic
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Full Text
[edit]The full text of the Thousand Character Classic is included here as reference from the main article.
count | Traditional Chinese | Simplified Chinese |
001-016 017-032 033-048 049-064 065-080 081-096 097-112 113-128 129-144 145-160 161-176 177-192 193-208 209-224 225-240 241-256 257-272 273-288 289-304 305-320 321-336 337-352 353-368 369-384 385-400 401-416 417-432 433-448 449-464 465-480 481-496 497-512 513-528 529-544 545-560 561-576 577-592 593-608 609-624 625-640 641-656 657-672 673-688 689-704 705-720 721-736 737-752 753-768 769-784 785-800 801-816 817-832 833-848 849-864 865-880 881-896 897-912 913-928 929-944 945-960 961-976 977-992 993-000 |
《千字文》 天地玄黃,宇宙洪荒。日月盈昃,辰宿列張。 寒來暑往,秋收冬藏。閏餘成歲,律呂調陽。 雲騰致雨,露結為霜。金生麗水,玉出崑岡。 劍號巨闕,珠稱夜光。果珍李柰,菜重芥薑。 海鹹河淡,鱗潛羽翔。龍師火帝,鳥官人皇。 始制文字,乃服衣裳。推位讓國,有虞陶唐。 弔民伐罪,周發商湯。坐朝問道,垂拱平章。 愛育黎首,臣伏戎羌。遐邇壹體,率賓歸王。 鳴鳳在竹,白駒食場。化被草木,賴及萬方。 蓋此身髮,四大五常。恭惟鞠養,豈敢毀傷。 女慕貞潔,男效才良。知過必改,得能莫忘。 罔談彼短,靡恃己長。信使可覆,器欲難量。 墨悲絲染,詩讚羔羊。景行維賢,克念作聖。 德建名立,形端表正。空谷傳聲,虛堂習聽。 禍因惡積,福緣善慶。尺璧非寶,寸陰是競。 資父事君,曰嚴與敬。孝當竭力,忠則盡命。 臨深履薄,夙興溫清。似蘭斯馨,如松之盛。 川流不息,淵澄取映。容止若思,言辭安定。 篤初誠美,慎終宜令。榮業所基,籍甚無竟。 學優登仕,攝職從政。存以甘棠,去而益詠。 樂殊貴賤,禮別尊卑。上和下睦,夫唱婦隨。 外受傅訓,入奉母儀。諸姑伯叔,猶子比兒。 孔懷兄弟,同氣連枝。交友投分,切磨箴規。 仁慈隱惻,造次弗離。節義廉退,顛沛匪虧。 性靜情逸,心動神疲。守真志滿,逐物意移。 堅持雅操,好爵自縻。都邑華夏,東西二京。 背邙面洛,浮渭據涇。宮殿盤鬱,樓觀飛驚。 圖寫禽獸,畫綵仙靈。丙舍傍啟,甲帳對楹。 肆筵設席,鼓瑟吹笙。陞階納陛,弁轉疑星。 右通廣內,左達承明。既集墳典,亦聚群英。 杜稿鐘隸,漆書壁經。府羅將相,路俠槐卿。 戶封八縣,家給千兵。高冠陪輦,驅轂振纓。 世祿侈富,車駕肥輕。策功茂實,勒碑刻銘。 磻溪伊尹,佐時阿衡。奄宅曲阜,微旦孰營。 桓公匡合,濟弱扶傾。綺迥漢惠,說感武丁。 俊乂密勿,多士寔寧。晉楚更霸,趙魏困橫。 假途滅虢,踐土會盟。何遵約法,韓弊煩刑。 起翦頗牧,用軍最精。宣威沙漠,馳譽丹青。 九州禹跡,百郡秦并。嶽宗泰岱,禪主云亭。 雁門紫塞,雞田赤城。昆池碣石,鉅野洞庭。 曠遠綿邈,巖岫杳冥。治本於農,務茲稼穡。 俶載南畝,我蓺黍稷。稅熟貢新,勸賞黜陟。 孟軻敦素,史魚秉直。庶幾中庸,勞謙謹敕。 聆音察理,鑑貌辨色。貽厥嘉猷,勉其祇植。 省躬譏誡,寵增抗極。殆辱近恥,林皋幸即。 兩疏見機,解組誰逼。索居閒處,沉默寂寥。 求古尋論,散慮逍遙。欣奏累遣,慼謝歡招。 渠荷的歷,園莽抽條。枇杷晚翠,梧桐早凋。 陳根委翳,落葉飄颻。游鯤獨運,凌摩絳霄。 耽讀翫市,寓目囊箱。易輶攸畏,屬耳垣牆。 具膳餐飯,適口充腸。飽飫烹宰,饑厭糟糠。 親戚故舊,老少異糧。妾御織紡,侍巾帷房。 紈扇圓絜,銀燭煒煌。晝眠夕寐,藍筍象床。 絃歌酒讌,接杯舉觴。矯手頓足,悅豫且康。 嫡後嗣續,祭祀蒸嘗。稽顙再拜,悚懼恐惶。 牋牒簡要,顧答審詳。骸垢想浴,執熱願涼。 驢騾犢特,駭躍超驤。誅斬賊盜,捕獲叛亡。 布射遼丸,嵇琴阮嘯。恬筆倫紙,鈞巧任釣。 釋紛利俗,並皆佳妙。毛施淑姿,工顰妍笑。 年矢每催,曦暉朗曜。璇璣懸斡,晦魄環照。 指薪修祜,永綏吉劭。矩步引領,俯仰廊廟。 束帶矜莊,徘徊瞻眺。孤陋寡聞,愚蒙等誚。 謂語助者,焉哉乎也。 |
《千字文》 天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒。日月盈昃,辰宿列张。 寒来暑往,秋收冬藏。闰余成岁,律吕调阳。 云腾致雨,露结为霜。金生丽水,玉出崑冈。 剑号巨阙,珠称夜光。果珍李柰,菜重芥姜。 海咸河淡,鳞潜羽翔。龙师火帝,鸟官人皇。 始制文字,乃服衣裳。推位让国,有虞陶唐。 弔民伐罪,周发商汤。坐朝问道,垂拱平章。 爱育黎首,臣伏戎羌。遐迩壹体,率宾归王。 鸣凤在竹,白驹食场。化被草木,赖及万方。 盖此身发,四大五常。恭惟鞠养,岂敢毁伤。 女慕贞洁,男效才良。知过必改,得能莫忘。 罔谈彼短,靡恃己长。信使可覆,器欲难量。 墨悲丝染,诗讚羔羊。景行维贤,克念作圣。 德建名立,形端表正。空谷传声,虚堂习听。 祸因恶积,福缘善庆。尺璧非宝,寸阴是竞。 资父事君,曰严与敬。孝当竭力,忠则尽命。 临深履薄,夙兴温清。似兰斯馨,如松之盛。 川流不息,渊澄取映。容止若思,言辞安定。 笃初诚美,慎终宜令。荣业所基,籍甚无竟。 学优登仕,摄职从政。存以甘棠,去而益咏。 乐殊贵贱,礼别尊卑。上和下睦,夫唱妇随。 外受傅训,入奉母仪。诸姑伯叔,犹子比儿。 孔怀兄弟,同气连枝。交友投分,切磨箴规。 仁慈隐恻,造次弗离。节义廉退,颠沛匪亏。 性静情逸,心动神疲。守真志满,逐物意移。 坚持雅操,好爵自縻。都邑华夏,东西二京。 背邙面洛,浮渭据泾。宫殿盘郁,楼观飞惊。 图写禽兽,画彩仙灵。丙舍傍启,甲帐对楹。 肆筵设席,鼓瑟吹笙。升阶纳陛,弁转疑星。 右通广内,左达承明。既集坟典,亦聚群英。 杜稿钟隶,漆书壁经。府罗将相,路侠槐卿。 户封八县,家给千兵。高冠陪辇,驱毂振缨。 世禄侈富,车驾肥轻。策功茂实,勒碑刻铭。 磻溪伊尹,佐时阿衡。奄宅曲阜,微旦孰营。 桓公匡合,济弱扶倾。绮迥汉惠,说感武丁。 俊乂密勿,多士寔宁。晋楚更霸,赵魏困横。 假途灭虢,践土会盟。何遵约法,韩弊烦刑。 起翦颇牧,用军最精。宣威沙漠,驰誉丹青。 九州禹迹,百郡秦并。嶽宗泰岱,禅主云亭。 雁门紫塞,鸡田赤城。昆池碣石,钜野洞庭。 旷远绵邈,巖岫杳冥。治本于农,务兹稼穑。 俶载南亩,我蓺黍稷。税熟贡新,劝赏黜陟。 孟轲敦素,史鱼秉直。庶几中庸,劳谦谨敕。 聆音察理,鉴貌辨色。贻厥嘉猷,勉其祇植。 省躬讥诫,宠增抗极。殆辱近耻,林皋幸即。 两疏见机,解组谁逼。索居閒处,沉默寂寥。 求古寻论,散虑逍遥。欣奏累遣,戚谢欢招。 渠荷的历,园莽抽条。枇杷晚翠,梧桐早凋。 陈根委翳,落叶飘飖。游鲲独运,凌摩绛霄。 耽读翫市,寓目囊箱。易輶攸畏,属耳垣墙。 具膳餐饭,适口充肠。饱饫烹宰,饥厌糟糠。 亲戚故旧,老少异粮。妾御织纺,侍巾帷房。 纨扇圆絜,银烛炜煌。昼眠夕寐,蓝笋象床。 弦歌酒䜩,接杯举觞。矫手顿足,悦豫且康。 嫡后嗣续,祭祀蒸尝。稽颡再拜,悚惧恐惶。 笺牒简要,顾答审详。骸垢想浴,执热愿凉。 驴骡犊特,骇跃超骧。诛斩贼盗,捕获叛亡。 布射辽丸,嵇琴阮啸。恬笔伦纸,钧巧任钓。 释纷利俗,并皆佳妙。毛施淑姿,工颦妍笑。 年矢每催,曦晖朗曜。璇玑悬斡,晦魄环照。 指薪修祜,永绥吉劭。矩步引领,俯仰廊庙。 束带矜庄,徘徊瞻眺。孤陋寡闻,愚蒙等诮。 谓语助者,焉哉乎也。 |
There is a mistake in the above?
[edit]The text above contains the word 維 twice, hence there is an error somewhere? I thought there were supposed to be 1000 unique characters. There is also 傳 repeated too. --HappyCamper 20:18, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- I trust that the original text were all unique. You know those ancient scholars who took pride in doing literate work very seriously. So if they said every characters were supposed to be unique, then they should be. Or else, many people would have pointed out the mistakes over the ages. So I guess there are only a few ways to explain these. There was an error in the transciption of the text. The person who scanned or typed in the text made a mistake. Another possible explanation is the loss of some variants of the writing when humanity stepped into the computer age. Remember that this text was designed for calligraphy. These 1000 unique writings did not necessary mean 1000 unique Chinese words of unique meanings. One famous calligraphy work still popular today is the hundard fu 福 or hundard 壽 diagram where the characters are written in 100 different variations. Many of these variants are valid characters but are omitted from the computer character sets. For example, if you visit this Chinese dictionary online and then search for the abbreviation "var. of" and you will find hundreds of Chinese characters that are not encoded in the regular computer character set and special graphic glyphs are needed to display them. I'll try to look up a printed version of the text later to verify if these two characters were due to computer glitches. I wonder how you spotted the duplications. Did you use some software tools to do it or you just have eagle's eyes. Kowloonese 22:26, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- 傅 (fu) and 傳 (chuan) are two different characters. There was a typo in the text. I have fixed it now.
- After some quick Googling, I found that 恭維鞠養 should have been 恭惟鞠養 which came from Confucious'《孝經》 However, many googled websites show the modern usage 恭維 (918K entries found), not the ancient usage 恭惟 (10K entries found). The change in usage of the character explains the duplication. Kowloonese 22:55, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- Nope, don't have eagle eyes. I'm just a Wikipedian :-) -- having said that, this should give you a hint: Ngor see yat gor fai lok dik ho yi tong... -- I was curious to see how much I could read, and kept a list. In the end, when I looked at it, there were some duplications. I am not sure if I caught everything though. Thanks so much for looking into this, I really appreciate it! --HappyCamper 01:58, 31 December 2005 (UTC)
- I wonder what this would become if it were converted to simplified Chinese. Half Thousand Character classic or less??? :-( Kowloonese 22:18, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
Out of curiosity, the text is translated into Simplified Chinese and compare side by side to the original text. It is hard to tell if some characters are folded into the same writing. One observation is that only a small portion of these 1000 Chinese characters were simplified. Kowloonese 02:26, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
- I used this website to convert from Traditional to Simplified Chinese. I don't know many Simplified words, however, I feel that the conversion is incomplete. For example, the character 148 髮 for "hair" in 盖此身髮 was not simplified. Charcter 803 餐 in 具膳餐饭 is not simplified. Character 693 鑑 in 鑑貌辨色 doesn't have have the simplified metal radical. Character 813 饑 in 饑厌糟糠 does not have the simplied "eat" radical. Character 849 絃 and 852 讌 in 絃歌酒讌 does not have the simplified "silk" and "speech" radical respectively. Kowloonese 22:05, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
- I used another converter from Apple's MacOS X to get the simplified text. See revision history to find the difference. A few of the above characters are simplified correctly now. Not all of them were fixed though. Kowloonese 07:42, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
- I checked and found that 鑑(as well as 鑒) simplifies to 鉴, while 絃 simplifies to 弦. I'll amend them. I don't believe there's a simplification of 餐 unless you're referring to the now defunct Second-round simplified Chinese character(二简字) --A10203040 18:04, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
4 other characters appear twice:
character_position character phrase 27 成 閏餘成歲 33 雲 雲騰致雨 164 潔 女慕貞潔 291 成 篤初成美 504 兵 家給千兵 598 兵 用兵最精 623 雲 禪主雲亭 836 潔 紈扇圓潔
Tommy Wong 7:00 a.m. 08 Feb 2006. Tommy Wong 23:04, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
- I fixed two typos, see revision history for the correct characters. The other two were not errors. In 用軍最精, 軍 is army, not 兵 soldier. In 禪主云亭, 云 means speak, not 雲 clouds. These two are different characters in Traditional Chinese. Simplified Chinese borrowed the "speak" and used it as "cloud". Don't you hate Mao for this? Kowloonese 02:49, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
- 哈哈,从“Kowloon”看,应该是香港来,那就用中文回复好了:云本身是雲的象形在前,被用作说义在后;论始作俑者,简化字方案是起于民国。甚至雲这个字未必正确,因为雨已经包含了云。-- (talk) 07:59, 10 February 2013 (UTC)
Ngor see yat gor fai lok dik ho yi tong...
我是一個快樂的“ho yi tong". I am unable to guess what is “ho yi tong". Is that "好易通".
Tommy Wong 23:16, 8 February 2006 (UTC)

- creative interpretations. I bet HappyCamper will like the praise. The wikilink to McDull gave it away. According to McDull, he said "Ho Yi Tong" as "very painful ears" though he really meant "good child". According to the school song lyrics of McDull's kindergarten, then the phrase in Cantonese is "鵝是一個快烙滴好耳痛" :-) Kowloonese 02:49, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
I find it. 篤初“誠”美,紈扇圓“潔–less 三點水”。So, 1000 characters have no duplications. My version of the 1000 characters have 5 mistakes (include 維惟). Now, all are corrected (assume no other mistakes). Thank you.
Tommy Wong 14:57, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
My knowledge of Chinese language is vary basic, so I do not know whether or not these duplications I discovered in the above Traditional version are just my ignorance:
These four characters appear twice in the Traditional version:
叔 in 348 and 657 感 in 558 and 749 璧 in 234 and 487 義 in 378 and 562
-- 05:17, 30 March 2006 (UTC) (Stanley Hendoro)
- Thank you for checking for duplicates. I copied the text here from one of the websites on the Internet. I didn't expect it had so many typographical errors. Fortunately, this classic is also posted in many other places and it is not difficult to google the corrections. It would be nice if someone can run a small program to compare every character in the included text to find more duplicates. As I pointed out early, the duplicates in the Traditional version are most likely typo errors in the copied text. It would be interesting to see how many of these unique characters become duplicates after simplication. The duplicates should not be too many according to rough eyeballing. Kowloonese 06:20, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
Thank you Kowloonese for amending the text.
I used a spreadsheet program to list the 1,000 charcters and sorted them by the charcter to discover the above four duplicates.
I presume the changes you made were just on the four characters. I have replaced them in my spreadsheet and resorted the list to check for possible duplicates caused by the four new characters, and there was none.
-- 06:04, 31 March 2006 (UTC) (Stanley Hendoro)
- Good. Can you sort the Simplified text the same way? By eyeballing, I could see two duplicates due to the simplification. The character 33 and 148 are folded to another character with different meaning. Same for the new character 749. Kowloonese 09:10, 31 March 2006 (UTC)
Character 26 余 should be 餘 in traditional. See changelog (talk) 00:49, 19 April 2012 (UTC)
Simplified Sorted
[edit]I have sorted the Simplified version and found four (4) duplications and one (1) missing character.
The duplications are:
1. | 云 | 33 雲 | 623 云 |
2. | 发 | 102 發 | 148 髮 |
3. | 并 | 616 并 | 933 並 |
4. | 戚 | 749 慼 | 818 戚 |
The missing charcter is character number 438 (traditional: 綵 cǎi). Is the simplified version of 綵 should be 彩?
Just a question: isn't it better if the poem is actually displayed on the "Article" page instead of tucked away in this "Discussion" page? I believe it used to be like that before.
That is all.
-- 03:44, 4 April 2006 (UTC) (Stanley Hendoro)
- Hi, I consulted 3 different simplified chinese dictionaries, and they all point 彩 as the simplification of 綵. So I'll just insert this into the passage. --A10203040 15:01, 18 May 2006 (UTC)
The wikisource link seems to be broken. Should it be fixed or removed? 20:18, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Including the text of the poem (title added)
[edit]i added the poem to the article but it messed it up so i reverted —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
- Well, for one thing, you put it inside the infobox, and for another thing Wikipedia isn't the place for original source texts. That would be Wikisource. —Keenan Pepper 22:05, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
english translation
[edit]Does anyone know where there's an English translation online? I've been looking for one but have been unable to find it -- it would also make a great addition to the article. Frikle 03:03, 25 June 2007 (UTC)
I added a link to an annotated translation found on Google (by a certain Nathan Sturman). It looks good to me, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to judge. Kaicarver 09:57, 14 August 2007 (UTC)
I just started an English translation line by line. This is still ongoing and it is currently at line 11 of 125. This is the link to the blog - Changgee (talk) 08:35, 5 September 2010 (UTC)
Is the 1000 Classic be broken down into sections?
[edit]In the Chinese wikitext of the 1000 Classic, it is broken down into sections. Can anyone explain how it is broken down? Is there a traditional way to divide it into sections? Additionally, Nathan Sturman's edition mentions that it has 7 sections, but he doesn't mark where they are.Jimhoward72 (talk) 14:20, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
Translation in modern Japanese
[edit]There is a translation at into modern Japanese. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MarB23 (talk • contribs) 11:34, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
Sources on the thousand character classic
[edit]Jerezembel (talk) 22:54, 17 November 2012 (UTC)
- NOTE: to save others some time, I checked these "sources" and am sorry to report that they were 19th century references, not WP:Reliable Sources. ch (talk) 05:21, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
The meaning of 玄 and 黄.
[edit]The very beginning of this text is about astronomy. So 玄 and 黄 should refer to the color of the sky (天) and the land (地), respectively.
I think 玄 means "black" and 黄 means "yellow". Both use their original literal meaning. Culture is mentioned in later chapters. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:13, 21 November 2012 (UTC)
Rajmaan (talk) 06:28, 23 March 2014 (UTC)
Inconsistent transcription
[edit]The various methods of transcription in the article are inconsistent and really don't make sense. The first paragraph is a good example of this:
- Thousand Character Classic (千字文) is a Chinese poem used as a primer for teaching Chinese characters to children. It contains exactly one thousand unique characters. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty (r. 502–549) commissioned 周興嗣 (pinyin: Zhou Xingsi, jyutping: Zau1 Hing3 Zi6) to compose this poem for his prince to practice calligraphy. The original title of the poem was 《次韻王羲之書千字》 and it is sung in the same way in which children learning Latin alphabet writing do with the "alphabet song".
Instances from this paragraph of text that is transcribed or that should be are as follows:
- The Thousand Character Classic (千字文)
- 周興嗣 (pinyin: Zhou Xingsi, jyutping: Zau1 Hing3 Zi6)
- 《次韻王羲之書千字》
The first example gives an English translation followed by Hanzi characters in parenthesis with no romanization.
The second example gives in-line Hanzi characters followed by two different romanizations within parenthesis. The second of these romanizations is Jyutping, which is not one of the two romanization schemes (Hanyu Pinyin and Wade-Giles) recommended by [Wikipedia's guidelines]. If Jyutping is to be used, there should be some justification given for it in the Talk page. (For example, if Jyutping is more appropriate because a particular individual or publication's name is more recognizable in Cantonese, this may be a valid reason for including a Jyutping romanization, but Pinyin may also be used to represent Cantonese pronunciations directly.) Furthermore, Wikipedia's guidelines recommend italicizing romanized Chinese to distinguish it from natively-Roman text, which is not done within this paragraph.
The third example gives the original title of the poem, but does not provide an English translation or romanization of any kind. If this information is to be useful to readers of an English-language article, it should at the very least include an English translation, preferably as the first in-line element, followed by the Hanzi characters within parenthesis and possibly by a romanization (one of the two recommended varieties) as well. If a translation or transcription cannot be supplied, this information may need to be removed from the article.
Finally, elsewhere in the article, Jyutping and Pinyin transcriptions are given sometimes with the Jyutping transcription first, and other times with the Pinyin transcription first. If Jyutping is to be included at all, it should likely be second to the recommended (Pinyin) transcription system, and in any case, the order of the two should be consistent throughout the article.
Andrew John Bayles (talk) 20:12, 4 April 2014 (UTC)
Done There are many pages just as in nead of attention as this one on Wikipedia. Be bold and make changes where you see fit. Rincewind42 (talk) 07:57, 5 April 2014 (UTC)
Comparison and Reconciliation Against Other Versions
[edit]I have been looking for the best "version" of this poem. I found 3 versions and none of them agree. I created a comparison between the Wikipedia Traditional version above, against Cambridge[1] and Project Gutenberg [2] versions.
In defense of the Wikipedia version above, each character is unique. That said, I don't understand why some characters are in use in the Wikipedia version. Example character #554 seems particularly incorrect to me. I am putting this out for a review by the Wikipedia community in case a substantial error or area for improvement is found in the Wikipedia version above. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable in Chinese to determine if any of the characters in the Wikipedia version are incorrect. Perhaps somebody watching this page can give an assist?
Char. No., Project Gutenburg, Cambridge, Wikipedia, Issue
30, 召, 呂, 呂, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
48, 崗, 岡, 岡, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
64, 薑, 姜, 薑, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
66, 鹹, 咸, 鹹, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
82, 製, 制, 制, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
97, 吊, 弔, 弔, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
103, 殷, 殷, 商, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
123, 壹, 一, 壹, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
132, 樹, 竹, 竹, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
164, 絜, 絜, 潔, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
198, 贊, 讚, 讚, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
205, 剋, 克, 克, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
234, 辟, 璧, 璧, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
241, 資, 資, 資, Project G. duplicates "資", 241 & 654, differs from Cambridge/Wiki
264, 清, 凊, 清, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
301, 籍, 藉, 籍, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
360, 枝, 根, 枝, Cambridge duplicates "根", 360 & 770, differs from Project G./Wiki
395, 誌, 志, 志, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
428, 鬱, 郁, 鬱, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
438, 彩, 彩, 綵, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
457, 升, 升, 陞, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
483, 鐘, 鍾, 鐘, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
524, 實, 實, 實, Project G. duplicates "實", 524 & 567
554, 迴, 回, 迥, All 3 versions are mismatched
558, 感, 感, 感, Project G. duplicates "感", 558 & 749
567, 實, 寔, 寔, Project G. duplicates "實", 524 & 567, differs from Cambridge/Wiki
617, 嶽, 岳, 嶽, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
619, 琠, 泰, 泰, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
620, 岐, 岱, 岱, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
621, I, 禪, 禪, Project G. differs from Cambridge/Wiki
645, 岩, 岩, 巖, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
654, 資, 茲, 茲, Project G. duplicates "資", 241 & 654, differs from Cambridge/Wiki
662, 藝, 藝, 蓺, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
693, 鑒, 鑒, 鑑, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
703, 祗, 祗, 祇, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
749, 感, 慼, 慼, Project G. duplicates "感", 558 & 749, differs from Cambridge/Wiki
767, 早, 蚤, 早, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
770, 根, 根, 根, Cambridge duplicates "根", 360 & 770
776, 颯, 搖, 颻, All 3 versions are mismatched
778, 鯤, 鵾, 鯤, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
787, 玩, 玩, 翫, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
813, 饑, 飢, 饑, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
827, 績, 績, 織, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
829, 侍, 待, 侍, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
836, 潔, 潔, 絜, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
849, 弦, 弦, 絃, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
852, 宴, 宴, 讌, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
871, 烝, 烝, 蒸, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
881, 箋, 箋, 牋, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
915, 僚, 僚, 遼, Wikipedia differs from Project G./Cambridge
933, 並, 竝, 並, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
953, 璇, 璿, 璇, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
980, 莊, 庄, 莊, Cambridge differs Project G./Wiki
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